Joe Valandra CEO & Chairman SicanguLakota Adam Geisler President & COO La Jolla Band ofLuiseño Indians Scott Dinsmore Chief Revenue Officer Pakan'yani Maidu of Strawberry Valley Rancheria Tom Valandra Chief of Staff Sicangu Lakota Chris Wohlsclagel V.P. Technology & Network Support John Vetter Vice President, Network Design & Technical Strategies Vanesscia Cresci Vice President of Grants & Compliance Navajo Nation Druce Dooley Manager, Wireless Design Keely M. Purscell Director of Sales Winnebago Tribeof Nebraska Samantha Correia Project Manager - Grants & Construction Projects Austin Trumbly TRIBAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Osage Nation Gerad Godfrey Tribal Business Development Manager Alutiiq Clark Penney Tribal Business Development Manager David Dombrowski Tribal Business Development Manager Jim Trumbly Tribal Business Development Manager Osage Nation, Joel Caton Network Manager, Swag Fiber April Belk Business Manager, Swag Fiber